
Iranian Raisins

Iran boasts a 2,000-year history of raisin production, making it one of the world's leading exporters. These delicious dried grapes come in a variety of colors and flavors, each with its own unique character.

Negah Sabz Co

Negah Sabz Trading Company is one of the reliable and active companies in the field of trade and export and import in Iran. This company is engaged in many commercial activities inside and outside the country and is known as one of the pioneers in the field of exporting Iranian products to international markets. Negah Sabz International Trade Company, with 20 years of experience in exporting Iranian products, now having sales offices in Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, is proud to cooperate with you in the field of export and import, including the activities of Surat and Date Packaging. Mozafati, Klotte, Payaram, Zahedi and Saderat. This company exports products to more than 20 different countries, including Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, UAE, Russia, China, European Union, and Canada.

Iran's Date Export

Iran's rich agricultural heritage extends far beyond its famed pistachios and saffron. Among its treasures lies the exquisite Iranian date, a symbol of sweetness and abundance deeply ingrained in the country's culture and cuisine. With a history spanning millennia, Iran's date industry continues to flourish, positioning the nation as one of the world's leading exporters of this prized fruit.

Exporting from Iran to Oman

At Negah Sabz Co., we understand the significance of seamless trade between Iran and Oman. As a trusted name in the industry, we specialize in providing comprehensive export solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a smooth and efficient export process from Iran to Oman.