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Float glass:

In terms of terminology, flute refers to two topics:

1- Type of glass

2. The process during which the flute glass is produced.

Today almost all flat glass products are derived from flute glass.

Flute production is divided into 3 major groups:

1- Simple glass

2. Colorful glass

3. High-thickness glasses

The flute process refers to a process in which molten material is floated on a bed of molten tin and glass of the best quality is formed on both sides.


Simple flute glass features:

- For applications that require color and transparency.

- The passing of visible light is very high.

- High quality flute glass is used for applications such as mirror manufacturing, industrial glass and coated glass.


Colored Flute Glass Features:
- These glasses have a wide range of colors for industrial and architectural applications.
- Preventing harmful ultraviolet rays and preventing damage to furniture and home furnishings.
- Color glasses pass through a wide range of light for applications that require light transmission.
- The solar energy transfer properties have been improved and improved.
When heated to two or more glasses, it improves thermal performance.
- When coated, it improves the energy transfer function.


Float glass features:

- Applicable in cases where high glass thickness is required.

- Applicable in glass showcases shops, aquariums, office partitions and interior space, glass doors, tablecloths and buildings exposed to wind pressure.

- Thickness range of thick glass is from 10 to 19 mm.


Reflex reflex feature:

Reflex glasses are manufactured using nanotechnology and metallic coatings and metal oxides on one side of the ordinary glass. These glasses are used in a variety of colors, as well as for special applications such as energy control. Due to the presence of a mirrored surface, this type of glass, in addition to being a cover for the building, significantly reflects the sun's rays and influences the entrance and exit of light and energy.

Depending on the application that we expect from these glasses and the criteria for choosing glass, there are a variety of reflex glasses with special features and qualities.


Energy Controller Glass:

By coating ultra thin metal and metal oxide on nanoscale glasses, glasses are produced that largely preserve the imperfections of ordinary glass, especially in terms of waste and energy saving. At the same time, it preserves the provision of visible light that is the main property of the glass.

Low-E Glass is a glass that has a much lower heat transfer than ordinary glass and acts like a transparent thermal insulation.


- Pass high visible light

- Suitable thermal insulation in the warm and cold season

- Reflecting a large percentage of infrared wavelengths (3000-780)

- Removal of whole infrared rays after 3000 wavelengths

- Reduced 50% ultra violet radiation than simple glass


Simple mirroring feature:

The old mirror is used in everyday life, the architects also use it in interior decoration to increase the effectiveness of lighting in rooms, halls and interior spaces.

- Two-layer protective coating with long lasting properties to prevent fading

- Pass successful durability tests, including resistance to moisture, salt and acid

- Suitable for installation in places such as swimming pools, baths and surrounding areas


Aluminum mirror feature:

This mirror is produced by using nanotechnology and metal metal alumina glass, and compared to the silver mirror, it has a lower price and, in cases where the sensitivity is lower, this mirror can be used.


Laminated Glass Features (Laminated Glass):

The fragility of the glass has limited its use throughout its history, but due to industrial progress, glass is being developed which is unbreakable. Glass of lamination is a glass that, even if it breaks in certain conditions, loses its liveliness and danger, because the broken pieces stick to me that they are no longer the winner.

Lamination glass is made up of two or more glass series, the bond between them being made by one or several interlayer films, PVB bands of various colors and thicknesses of 0.38 mm, 0.76 mm and 1.54 mm.


- Passing through the visible light

- Avoid passing harmful ultraviolet rays and damage to the inside of the building

- Resistant to fire, fire

- Security against unauthorized entry (the middle layer is not torn even after breaking.)

- Sound insulation (PVB layer greatly reduces redundant noise)

- Earthquake Resistant

- Due to the use of colored, opaque and patterned PVBs, it is applicable to partitioning the interior space.

- Due to its refractory properties and safety in all parts of the building including: windows, glass doors, aquariums, elevators, floors, skylights, pools, gyms, greenhouses, shop windows, stairs and railings Glass is applicable.


Glass wooded:

Mortar glasses are glasses that are covered on one side with designs of flowers and geometric shapes.

These glasses, in addition to preventing very high light entering the building, can create a privacy inside the building.


- Glass mosaic has a wide range of designs, colors and flowers on the glass.

- Comfort of the residents of the building due to the control of the light entering the building

- Ensuring that private spaces are provided inside the building

- The users of this glass in the window of the building, decoration, partition, furniture and furniture and kitchen cabinets.


glass block:

Glass blocks today are used extensively in interior and facade buildings. Its interesting and functional properties, such as the variety of designs and colors, thermal insulation and thermal insulation, the proper passage of light, the separation of the interior, make it an important element in Has transformed modern architecture.

Properties of glass blocks:

- Providing light and vision in closed environments

- Two-way light transmission up to 75% - 80%

- Impact, fire and earthquake resistant

- High security against unauthorized entry

- Thermal insulation to prevent energy loss

- Sound insulation to prevent outburst sounds

- Variation of design and color

- Easy installation

- Create privacy by maintaining brightness

- Increased space inside the building due to the low volume of these blocks compared to the traditional walls

- The lightness of these walls compared to the traditional walls

- Reduced finished glass walls made with glass blocks compared to traditional walls

- Ability to use in all parts of the building